I assemble my works digitally from photos of my ancestorsand from my expanding archive of over 70,000 photos.
It’s all about remix.
I’m on a constant photographic scavenger hunt, outfittingancestors with backdrops, sidekicks and belongings.
I print my work myself in small editions on archival photo paperwith pigment inks.
My images are quirky visual narratives about psychologicalpredicaments. I especially like a good plight.
My art leans toward surrealism, as it has odd juxtapositions,non-sequiturs, and an element of surprise.
My work content mirrors personal, political and globalsituations – in a sly way.
My work is a packrat’s nest of things that are deeply a partof being alive:curiosity, humor, fear, rescue, individuality, absurdity.
Follow Corinne Geertsen on Facebook. Looking forward to seeing you there.